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We believe that every company and project deserves refined design, optimized processes and well-coded systems. That perfectly fit their needs.
Based in Los Angeles for over 10 years, Nexeo® is a digital solutions company, which designs and develops mobile apps, web services and embedded systems.
From entertainment to manufacturing, we believe that every company and project deserves refined design, optimized processes and well-coded systems.
That perfectly fit their needs.
Nexeo’s President and Founder, Stephan Themis, ranks as an expert in custom web development, business software coding, UX/UI implementation, and information systems engineering. He earned his Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering in 2005 and his Master in Electrical Engineering in 2007, both from USC. He expanded his skills into software development, and then set up his own firm +10 years ago.

“We code everything from scratch,” says Themis, whose first-hand experience guides the Nexeo team. From world-wide event streaming to real-time factory data tracking, Themis can handle pretty much anything “Live.” His tools have supported large-scale events like Al Gore’s ‘Live Earth’ concerts, Oscar and Emmy webcasts, high-profile red-carpet events, and other notorious digital media projects.

His dexterity in coding languages has garnered him several technology awards, such as: “2018 Top Web Developer LA,”“2018 Top B2B Company in CA,” “2019 Top Developer in LA,’’and“2020 Top B2B Company in U.S.”
Get in Touch
Do you have an idea, a concept or project you would like to share with Nexeo?